
Monday, August 16, 2010

What Lurks Beneath

Growing up I was especially fond of playful days on the Atlantic reveling in the waves, enjoying fun in the sun and waiting for the next set of waves to surf in. As I look back, I’m mindful of how naïve I was to the hidden dangers that lurked beneath my feet. The ocean is a powerful force to contend with. Even a calm day on the surface can be misleading to one of the most powerful forces of the ocean: the undertow. The pulse of the tide is one of the most underestimated forces of nature. In fact the undertow claims more lives each year than the jaws of the infamous Great White shark. Unlike Jaws, the ocean’s way is not to devour a victim in one bite, but rather draw the victim out to sea by pulling him away from safety and eventually into the clutches of the deep.

The effectiveness of the undertow lies in its subtleties. A surfer is so preoccupied by the enjoyment of the ocean(cool water, monster waves, and great rides) that she becomes unaware of that forces that lurk beneath the surface. . . . until it’s too late. The ocean claims another unassuming victim.

As I ponder the subtle dangers of the ocean, I’m reminded of sin. It too involves a subtle, yet sinister pull. . .it has a pulse, a life of its own, that little by little pull us from safety and then beneath the surface. Of course, above sea level, the pleasure of sin is as appealing as a great day at the beach. It’s glossy surface and cool waters look inviting, even refreshing. And, so we bask in its pleasure and feel satisfied.

Yet, all the while, there is another side of sin that lurks beneath, unseen to the human eye. Like a deadly undertow, it is an ever present pulse that lures us away from safety into a place where we are in way over our heads. And, we find ourselves treading rough waters alone and in a panic.

Let’s be honest. There is force to sin that no man is his own power can contend with. Evil has the power to sink ships and erode continents. So, what makes us doggie-paddlers think we can out swim its waters without being devoured?

Beneath the cresting waves, dancing gulls and a pleasant sunsets of our lives is a dark, mysterious pulsing tide loose in the world. That force exists to pull you and I away from our Creator. It wants to get you in its grip and pull you far out of reach of safety and security.

Perhaps you know that in some particular area of your life that you are over your head. You are treading in tumultuous waters…and you can feel its subtle undertow bringing you to a place you have not been before.

You may be thinking, “I think I can make it”. “I haven’t drowned yet”. And, perhaps you can swim against the tide of sin for a season. But, it is no long term solution. In the battle against the restless pulse of sin, the Scripture is clear. “If any man thinks he stands, may he take heed lest he fall". And, you will fall. . .into the bottom of a dark, lifeless place. If you are in over your head right now, do yourself a favor and cry out. . .admit you are drowning. Perhaps someone on shore will hear you.

Fortunately, the Scripture teaches that we have been graced by a great lifeguard who is constantly scanning the shoreline looking for the wayward, the loss and the drowning. He knows where we are and understands the force that lurks beneath our toes. In fact, He has swam this shoreline and conquered the tide of sin. Fortunately for us, He specializes in rescue missions.

Those that look to Him and cry for help, though they are drowning, will be saved.

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