
Monday, August 09, 2010

In the name of Progress. . .

“When going back makes sense, you are moving ahead.”

~Wendell Berry

The Church can worship many idols other than God. No doubt, since the Enlightenment, the idea of progress has been erected and has sat on the right hand of the Father in the place of Jesus Christ. And, many things over time have ironically regressed the Body in the name of progress. In light of this simple fact, I love this quote that my friend Seth Fisher shared with me. It comes from the common-sensical, yet highly-prophetic pen of Wendell Berry. So, often our moving forward might require the humility and sensibility to look backwards and see if some of the saints before us might possibly have gotten it right. Chances are they did. Good word Mr. Berry!

1 comment:

Brad said...

We do need less Jellyfish and wimps. We need more courage and humility taught to our kids. It starts with us - surrendering before our God and asking for help. Good post, Heath.