
Sunday, March 28, 2010

On My Blog

I need to clarify something. Many of the thoughts and ponderings that will appear in this blog emerged over the course of the last year and a half. I'm a journaler by nature. I find solace and often sanity through the practice of writing. The confusing maze of life, oddly enough, makes most sense to me with pen in hand.

My journaling is intensely personal and was not written with some impersonal "blog site" in mind. However, due to some prodding of a couple faithful friends, I have decided to wade through these entries and share those thoughts, insights and ponderings that I feel might be helpful to others.

So, the postings I offer may not be the thoughts of today. They might be the scratchings of a journal entry last year, last month or last week. I had to laugh. I met with a friend on Thusday who, after meeting with me, went home and read my last blog which discussed in detail this strange funk I was going through and the rotten day I had. Of course, her thoughts were "Well, thanks a lot Heath. Glad I made your day." After laughing about it, I explained how I'm penning this blog, and reassured her that my funk actually took place months prior to our meeting and that my day on Thursday went quite well!

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